Lizanne Barnwall – Plans for 2016

LizanneMy racing focus for 2016 is to come top 3 in the National Series, get some PB’s and to complete a sub 5 hour 70.3 distance. I’d like to come first in my age category overall (30-34) in the National Series, and possibly win the overall National Series (given most of the top girls are Category 1 athletes!)

Since a bad bike fall in April down at the Seafield training weekend, my knee got a hard smack off the road resulting in severe bone bruising & soft-tissue damage. I didn’t realize how bad it was until a few days later after physio & MRI. I lost 7 weeks of no running which was v-frustrating given that I had done a lot of work to get running back to a good level before the bike fall. As a result for my first race this year in Carlow National Series in May I had done no run training or intervals at all in the 7 weeks previous but despite this I got a PB in (1 hr, 09 mins) and placed 3rd overall (27 secs behind 2nd place!) and got 1st in age category.

My next race was the Westport National Series triathlon which had a very stacked strong field. While I also finished in 1 hr 09 mins, I just missed out on 3rd place overall but came 1st in age category.

Up next is Kilkee, Hell of the West. HOTW is always about having fun! Best race of the season and of course – the Pulse Club Race! Training is finally going well! Training is twice per day most days as: 4 swim, 4 bike and 3 runs /week. It’s a busy schedule juggling training, racing, and fulltime work while organizing a wedding but I love it! Training keeps me balanced 🙂

Pulse Triathlon Club: swimming, cycling, running and socialising since 2003

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