Author Archives: k

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Claire Dillon – 2016 season update

Since the last update I am now an IRONMAN! I completed Ironman Frankfurt in July which was my first long distance race. I was extremely nervous the morning of the race, but as soon as I stepped into the water the nerves vanished and I got focused on the task at hand and literally took […]

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Mike Gonda – 2016 season update

I did few races this year. I started with try a tri in Athy that went well, then I did my very first half-Ironman distance in Meath in July(06:27:01). I found it tough as I had Gastroenteritis the week before the race and it cost me the run leg, suffered numerous episodes of cramping, few […]

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Lizanne Barnwall – 2016 season update

Since my last update I raced 3 more National Series races. Hell of the West was the National Championship race for Olympic distance and also a Super Series race so a lot of great athletes were down in Kilkee for it, which is also the Pulse annual club race & a great weekend! The race […]

Ironman Lanzarote 2016 – Derek McCabe

Ironman Lanzarote Part II…… (The Hangover) It has taken me a long time to get around to writing this race report, what with work & kids & holidays, so here goes… Well, little did I think after racing Ironman Lanzarote in 2013 that I’d be back so soon, but Barry O’Sullivan had been on to me […]

Ironman Frankfurt 2016 – Darren Kearney

The Road to Ironman Frankfurt … I always wondered why so many people refer to their Ironman experience as a “Journey” in their race reports. Sitting here writing this now I get it and now this feels like the right time to share mine.  Buckle up it was a bit of a bumpy ride! Up […]

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Mike Gonda – Plans for 2016

I’m still doing a lot of running and so far in 2016 I have completed 8 marathons starting with East of Ireland Stapelstown on January 23rd, Tokyo, East of Ireland Howth, East of Ireland Longwood, Belfast, East of Ireland Clontarf, Rock n’ Roll Liverpool and the Walled City marathon in Derry along with Portumna 50K […]

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Claire Dillon – Plans for 2016

My main aim this year is to complete Ironman Frankfurt on 3rd of July and still be able to walk – might be asking too much here! Hopefully I will enjoy it. So far this year I completed a duathlon in the Park, the Gauntlet in Lough Cultra (the half distance race) and the Double […]

Challenge Galway 2016 – Niall Byrne

My Story – An Ironman First Timer 26th June 2016 “Here’s where we’re staying, so no turning back now”. That one line text from my good friend, Pulse member and multiple ironman, Shay Brady, was the trigger to one of the best adventures of my life. And so it began. The self-doubt, the online blogs, […]

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Lizanne Barnwall – Plans for 2016

My racing focus for 2016 is to come top 3 in the National Series, get some PB’s and to complete a sub 5 hour 70.3 distance. I’d like to come first in my age category overall (30-34) in the National Series, and possibly win the overall National Series (given most of the top girls are […]