Author Archives: k

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Winter Training Weekend – Nenagh, Nov’ 15-17th

Our annual training weekend to Nenagh will take place from the 15th – 17th of November. This weekend is open to members of all levels and we are hoping to get our usual numbers of 26 – 30 people. It is a jam packed fun weekend and this year Pulse is in a position to […]

Richards Mills Dingle Race Report

I was awake and up before the 7am alarm clock, nerves and excitement, like Christmas morning, at least there was no mass! The view from the window was ominous, the lovely mountain at the back of the house was now shrouded in a mist that made seeing the end of the garden difficult and there […]

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Nutrition Talk – November 11th

The club has arranged for a nutrition talk to be given by Beth McCluskey on Monday 11th November in IT Tallaght from 7:30pm – 9:00pm. This talk is free of charge and open to all club members. They say nutrition is the fourth discipline of triathlon so no doubt there will be much valuable information […]

ITU Age Group World Championships – Máirtín Coffey

My experience at the Triathlon Age Group World Championships I really enjoy racing in Ireland in national series (NS) races. You can compete against your peers and score points for your club. You get points for each race depending on your result and your best 5 races culminate in your overall score. Although the format […]

Pulse Black Tie Gala Annual Awards

With the 2013 racing season almost at an end, the committee are busy planning our big night out. To celebrate this years season and the clubs 10th anniversary, we are hosting a black tie gala annual awards night out for our members in The Morrison Hotel, Lower Ormond Quay, on Friday 8th, November. This night […]

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The Lost Sheep Half Ironman – Sweet Revenge

The Lost Sheep Half Ironman, 8th September 2013 This race broke me last year. I had a slight running injury going into it. I thought it would be ok. It wasn’t. A half marathon is a long way to go when you start walking after 5km. I was quite emotional crossing the line last year […]

Pulse Aquathlon Race 2, 2013 Series

Pulse Cycleways Aquathlon Race 2 I have always read the other Pulse race reports thinking fair play to you…it’s tough enough having to do the event…let alone write about it afterwards!! Yet somehow here I am sitting at my laptop writing up a report on the second Pulse Aquathlon that was held last night – […]

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Ironman Austria 2013 – Jarlath Keaney

JK’s Austrian Ironman Adventure I know I have been beaten by Miriam and Alex in producing a report about IM Austria but here’s my story……and I have no doubt that this will not be the last time I will be beaten by either fellow Pulser again. Synopsis I was surprised by how much crap I […]