Author Archives: k

Alp d’Viewpoint – 2010

‘An rud is annamh is iontach’ ‘What’s rare is beautiful’ Bhi an ghrian ag taitneamh, agus ni raibh scamall sa speir. Monday, 26th August, D-day. After months of preparation on the most demanding ascents Dublin has to offer, L’equippe du Pulse made their way to Dublin Airport, bike boxes in tow. After a quick one, […]

Ironman Zurich – 25th July 2010

In case anyone needs reminding – distances are! Swim: 3.8 km Cycle:  180 km Run:    42.2 km (marathon) My history When I heard what an Ironman was a few years ago, I thought it was mad.  Really mad.  Why would anyone do that!  Fast forward a bit, and somewhere along the line, I wondered IF […]

Dublin Duathlon – June 2008

Here’s a brief paragraph on an even briefer race (hope this won’t take me longer to write than our new talent Sean Wall took for this duathlon – a stunning 39:53min). My “not friend anymore” Weathergod Thor had sent us the same miserable race weather as we experienced for the entire season 2007. Well, to […]

Tri Athy 2008

The weather made all the difference ! At 8am, arriving at registration, the sun was already beaming down, putting everyone in great form and helping pre race nerves. Many of the Pulsers arrived at the same time and the car park was a flurry or bikes, wheels, new Pulse gear and excitement. Down in transition, […]