Author Archives: k

Meet the member – Marion Moche

When did you join Pulse? I joined Pulse in May 2018. Well, actually John (the husband) signed me up. I wasn’t keen on the idea. Didn’t know if I would like training in a group. I was worried I’d feel inadequate. Turns out I was really wrong. Had you any experience of Triathlon before joining […]

Meet the member – Mark Cullen

When did you join Pulse? I joined around April 2019. Had you any experience of Triathlon before joining the club? Yes I did my first triathlon back in 2009. But please don’t think for a second that I am some sort of triathlon expert – it’s been a slow burn! How and why did you […]

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Meet the member – Jennifer Shorten

When did you join Pulse? I joined Pulse in 2013 although had been thinking about it since the year previous. Found the process of joining a club daunting as I was coming from zero experience in all sports so wasn’t sure if I’d fit into a club – 7 years later obviously I did!!! I […]

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Meet the member – Bert Depla

When did you join Pulse? I joined Pulse in 2017. My good friend Dave Brennan was a member. After my first 2 races in 2016 I knew I needed to sort out my swimming. I was talking about taking up classes when he said the club had them as well. Seemed to make sense. Had […]

Hardman Triathlon 2020 – Keith Clarges

Strap yourselves in folks, if you’re willing to read to the end, you’ve about 70.3 paragraphs ahead of you! “GO GO Pulse person”! I look at my wife, Michelle, and ask, “Did I just shout, ‘GO GO Pulse person’”? She confirms that I did and bursts out laughing. I laugh at the ridiculousness of it […]