Meet the member – Marion Moche

When did you join Pulse?

I joined Pulse in May 2018. Well, actually John (the husband) signed me up. I wasn’t keen on the idea. Didn’t know if I would like training in a group. I was worried I’d feel inadequate. Turns out I was really wrong.

Had you any experience of Triathlon before joining the club?

No. I joined the Club before my first triathlon in Athlone.

How and why did you get started in Triathlon?

It started as most things start, it was a case of “I’ll do it if you do it”. John and his brother had done the Naas duathlon and decided to do a triathlon. They had settled on the Sprint in Athlone and when John asked me if I wanted to do it, I said “Yeah sure why not – but only the Tri a Tri”. I really
didn’t think I was up for a Sprint distance. I started running only a few months beforehand and was pretty useless on a bike. As the days went, I was growing more nervous and we decided to do a mock up Tri on a baltic winter day. The sea was freezing and it started snowing when we got on the
bike. It was probably a really stupid thing to do but I truely enjoyed it and thought the Tri a Tri distance was actually too short. Next day, I had changed my entry to the Sprint distance.

Tell us about your first race?

My first triathlon was the Triathlone Sprint distance. I was really nervous on the day but not as nervous as John’s brother was. I was trying to play it cool in front of him. Not sure if it worked. The top I managed to get from a fellow Pulser just before the race helped getting some friendly chats as I met Pulsers Stephen Moore and Mark Flood. They looked so calm and so experienced, I felt a little out of place but their kind words and relaxed attitude soon rubbed on me and I was ready to race when time came to go in the water. I always was a water-person and love swimming. I am not
fast by any means but I truly enjoy it. The swim was fast as on the Sprint you swim with the current. Then came the bike on a fast course out and back. Before I knew it, I was running. Well, poorly at the start. I had a case of the jelly legs and couldn’t call what I did for the first few minutes of the 5km running. It was also extremely hot which made the run really hard but the crowd was amazing and made it somewhat enjoyable. Finally, I reached the finish line with a big grin on my face as I came to realise I finished the race and did something a few months ago I thought I could never achieve. What a buzz! I was totally hooked and the next day was looking at what other race I could sign up for.

What’s your favourite race/distance to race?

I don’t have a lot of experience but I find the Sprint too fast and furious for me. Very much prefer the slightly steadier pace of the longer distances and even if I only raced one middle distance so far this was my favorite one by a long shot. I like the fact it was a full day of fun. Made the training all worth it.

What’s your favourite Pulse memory so far?

There are quite a few. The track sessions are always great craic but if I have to choose one day, it probably would be the bike treasure hunt organised for Joanna Butler’s Kona celebrations. It was a brilliant day of cycling with interludes of madness signed off with a very tasty barbeque.

What’s the best thing about being in a Triathlon club?

The community. Without a doubt. In a few years, Pulse has become like a second family and I’ve met some very good friends. It makes for an excellent and healthy social life.

When you’re not swimming or pedalling or running, what keeps you busy?

Gosh, I never stop. I am always doing something. I like arts and crafts. I am a bit like a granny. I knit, crochet, lace…in front of the TV. I am also busy with two little men (5 and 7years old). And if I am not cycling, swimming or running, I can be found hillwalking with the dog, climbing or surfing.

Outside of Triathlon, what’s your favourite sporting memory or achievement?

For the achievement, finishing the Dingle Ride in April 2019 was pretty special. I never thought I would ever ride 120km in one day. It was also a brilliant way to know I could do the 90km in the cut off times required for the Ironman Cascais 70.3 I was to do in September. The views were breathtaking all the way and the downhill from Conor’s pass was a lot of fun. Got some great speed on that. For the memory, being at the start line of 2 of the Vendée Globe race is something that will stay with me forever. Nothing to do with Triathlon but being surrounded by the best sailors in the World on their amazing boats amongst 1000s of boats is something I will never forget.

What’s the bucket list, once in a lifetime race you’d love to experience?

I don’t really have one. I like race day so anything is good for me although I’d like to do Tri Tyrone 70.3 at some point. Ironman Les Sables d’Olonnes is also on my radar as this is on my own turf (I’m originally from a village nearby).

What’s the next Triathlon goal you’d like to tick off?

I want to finish a full distance Ironman. Not sure which one yet and when but I’d like to think that one day I’d be ready for one.

Finally, what one nugget of advice would you give to a new member starting out on their Triathlon journey?

Never forget to have fun. If you don’t have fun then it isn’t worth it. Never feel like you have to do something because other members are doing it. If you don’t think you’d enjoy it, don’t do it.
The other thing I would say, pick a race, sign up and tell everybody you did. There is no going back then. It will also keep you focused and help with training. I always find having a target helps.

Pulse Triathlon Club: swimming, cycling, running and socialising since 2003

Cycle Superstore westpark