Chris Donohoe

Tell us about yourself

I’m Chris Donohoe, I’m 32, and I work for a market research company called Research your Markets where we resell market research. I grew up in Drimnagh where I have lived all my life.

What are you passionate about?

Triathlon is my main passion at the moment which leaves very little time for anything else. I like to cook a good bit and like my food a lot, probably too much. Steak and anything cooked in butter would be my favourite. I am also a big Connacht rugby fan, unfortunately Lenster has been poaching many of our players recently.

Where you into sports at College or School?

In school I took up pretty much any sport or activity I came across. Cross country running, basketball, badminton, hurling, Gaelic football and so on. Anything the school did I gave it a go.

What got you into triathlon, what was your first race?

I had been taking part in some charity sportive’ and doing quite a bit of cycling when I saw one of my friends taking part in Ironman 70.3 Galway. I knew I could cycle and was a fairly decent swimmer so as long as I could start the run in reasonable shape I could finish it. I was 29 at the time and was thinking to myself that I would do a half ironman for my 30th so it gave me something to aim towards.

My first race was the Pulse Port Beach Tri. I had just joined the club, saw that there was a club race assuming that it was the race that all the member’s raced but little did I know that they all volunteer so I had to get special permission to race. The race itself was a real eye opener to say the least. I underestimated how tired I would be starting the run after going hell for leather in the swim and bike which I was more confident with.

What is your least favourite part of the race?

Least favourite is probably the early mornings. It feels unnatural to be going to bed at 10PM and setting your alarm for 5AM for an early training session.

Favourite memory in triathlon?

Everyone is going to expect me to say crossing the line in Ironman Copenhagen but I think my first year at the club championships in Kilkee is probably my best memory. Not being the fastest athlete in the club but still having everyone clapping and screaming your name as you cross the line gives you a great idea of what Pulse is all about.

Why did you choose Pulse?

Medbh Peavoy and I had been doing some charity sportive’ and following each other on twitter. I tweeted that I was looking for a Tri club and Medbh recommended Pulse explaining that it was a very beginner friendly club which was the deciding factor for me. This turned out to be the perfect choice.

What is your favourite club session?

Alison’s spin class one of the toughest class you will do but you know afterwards that you have done the work and it will pay off. I would also like to go on the record and say it is better than Kevin’s spin!

Do you have a favourite sport out of the three?

Six months ago I would have said cycling but with my current training plan I’m focusing a lot more running where I am now seeing progress and am now enjoying. Along with the track sessions I have also found that the strength and conditioning classes with Joe Clifford have improved my running to no end.

Do you have any favourite tri gear / equipment or some gear you wish you had?

My favourite kit is probably my tri spokes, there not very practical, there slow as hell to get up to speed, when you’re cycling uphill it feels like you’re cycling balls of concrete but, most importantly, you look cool. So I’m not going to win any races but at least I’ll look cool doing them.

Do you have any racing goals? – 2016 or beyond

I have 2 main goals for this year. Last year I took 24 minutes off my time in Kilkee which brought me down to 2:43 so this year I would like to break 2:30 in Kilkee. In 2015 I also I took 40 minutes off my 70.3 distance time giving me a 5:24 in Athlone, I would like to break 5 hours at this distance. Now that it’s gone on record it will make it a bit harder but that’s the plan at the moment.

In 2016 I’m signed up for 70.3 races in Lisbon and Dublin. I am also toying with the idea of doing Dublin marathon this year which will be my first marathon.

Do you have a favourite race or one you want to compete in?

I would like to do an Ironman where there is a big group from the club doing it. Having done Ironman Copenhagen last year I was the only one in the club racing which didn’t have the atmosphere you would get with a big group. This year I am going to support in Ironman Frankfurt where there is about 20 people just going to support and about the same racing. The next big Ironman group that happens, I’m going.

Greatest achievement in or out of sport?

In sport, breaking 12 hours in Ironman Copenhagen. It was a dream scenario at the start, I thought I was going to be in on the 13 or 14 hour mark. So to break the 12 hour mark with a few minutes to spare was great. Getting the steak dinner from Mick Patterson for getting sub 12 hours made it a whole lot sweater!

Where can we find you when you’re not training?

In bed, I watch a radicicolous amount of TV. I would watch a lot of cooking shows such as Masterchef and also some of the self-sustaining documentary shows from Alaska.

What gives you inspiration / keeps you motivated?

I want to stay fit. It took me a few years to get from where I was when I first joined the club to where I am now and I don’t want to lose that. I also take motivation from always trying to improve myself in the sport.

Words of wisdom for first time athletes?

Ask as many questions as possible, anyone that will talk to you, get their opinions or views on anything that you may be unsure of. From the advice you get, find out what works for you and stick to it.

Many members may not be aware of how I have come along since joining Pulse. I was a big guy when I was first in the club and through triathlon I have managed to lose a shit-tonne of weight and gain a shit-tonne of confidence. With triathlon if you put in hard work in you will see the benefits across many aspects of your life.

Do you have a favourite book or movie? What do you like about them?

Not sure I have a favourite movie, but at the moment I’m going through a phase of watching movies like Boyz n the Hood and Menace II Society. I mostly read sport or music biographies but am not currently reading anything. As for favourite book, the Sean Kelly bio is awesome.

If you could have dinner with 3 people alive or dead who would they be?

John Lennon, Jimmy Hendrix, and Jerry Garcia, the lead singer from The Grateful Dead. These are all musicians that I listened to through my life.

Do you have a guilty pleasure or a cheat meal?

Doner Kebab – all day long

Pulse Triathlon Club: swimming, cycling, running and socialising since 2003

Cycle Superstore westpark