Spring Training Weekend

It was a full house at the Seafield Golf & Spa Hotel for the Pulse Spring Training Weekend. A total of 32 Pulsers attended the 3 day training event from the 8th – 10th April, where they were put through their paces by the Pulse Coaching Team.

The weekend started with a swim session on the Friday evening coached by Dave and Colin in the Westpark Pool in Tallaght. Saturday morning at the Seafield Hotel in Gorey dawned bright and sunny with a long cycle followed by a run session. Saturday afternoon and it was time for some Strength & Conditioning as participants learnt the basics of Functional Strength Training. It wasn’t all work and no play however – following a strenuous day, everyone was quite happy to relax and enjoy the craic with Clubmates over dinner in the hotel.

On Sunday, the focus was on run interval training, and practising those often overlooked, but vital, transition skills. The weekend finished with a swim session at Coral Leisure in Arklow.

Thanks to Hilary and Chris for organising, and the coaching team of David, Alan, and Kevin. Thanks also to Cycle SuperStore for providing spot prizes.

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Pulse Triathlon Club: swimming, cycling, running and socialising since 2003

Cycle Superstore westpark